by Roush & Stilz, P.S.C. | Oct 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Maybe? A very interesting case arose out of the Ninth Circuit. A transgender inmate in the California prison system petitioned the prison to provide her with sex reassignment surgery. The petition was denied, and the prisoner filed a lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. 1983...
by Roush & Stilz, P.S.C. | Oct 29, 2019 | Employment Law
I swear it happens on occasion. Police officers tell the truth. Sometimes. Sometimes they don’t testify inaccurately that your client was swerving in and out of his lane of traffic. Sometimes they admit your client’s license plate light actually was illuminated....
by Roush & Stilz, P.S.C. | Oct 29, 2019 | Family Law
It is important to understand that the Kentucky Supreme Court decided in the landmark case of Pennington v. Marcum that there is a difference between asking to modify child custody and asking to modify visitation or parenting time. Custody refers to the ability to...
by Roush & Stilz, P.S.C. | Oct 29, 2019 | Employment Law
A three panel bench of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (the federal appellate court which covers Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and Michigan) unanimously decided when an employee tells a supervisor to stop engaging in sexual harassment that employee is engaging in...
by Roush & Stilz, P.S.C. | Oct 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Civil Rights Much of the chatter in some legal circles over the recent run of media coverage of police and citizen violence centers on the ability of police to commence encounters with citizens on an almost unfettered basis. From simply approaching a citizen to engage...
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